
56 Audio Reviews

37 w/ Responses

Perfection in Newgrounds.

I hate to add another response to your list, but I had to review my favorite song on Newgrounds. :P

When I first pressed play on this piece, I was nervous that it would be the normal thing I hear in the Audio Portal -- a mediocre piano piece.

To my surprise, I ended with what's near the perfect build-up. I've always wanted a piece to actually use something just like you did, and I was, to put it lightly, happy. You did it perfectly -- you had the right mix of every instrument (the piano starting the song -- other instruments coming out and putting the piano in the background).

The song was made to be looped -- it begins and ends quietly, something perfect for a song on Newgrounds. The notes were all crisp, the song was a good volume (I could hear every note), and every piece fits in wonderfully.

This is perfection on Newgrounds -- or as close as I'll come to seeing it.

Bosa responds:

I thank you so much for the kind encouragement. It's not often do I hear kind words here on Newgrounds.

Well Done!

Hey there, MaestroRage. I've always been a big fan of your work, but I left Newgrounds for a bit -- and much to my surprise, you were still here.

The Parts:
- I thought the beginning sounded a bit too synthesized for my tastes -- normally, you manage to really disguise it well, but the sort of staccato guitar (I think that's what it is -- correct me if I'm wrong, but I'll be using guitar to identify it throughout this review) runs do sound a bit fake... but still amazing nonetheless. :P

- The background part (I haven't listened to much music lately, so I can't quite name what it is) in the middle really works well with the synthesized guitar. Nice work!

- The bongos in the middle sort of fit in with the style of the song and the setting, but they don't really go with the runs of the guitar and the high woodwinds (I can't put my finger on what that instrument is you keep using).

- The sound of the ocean at the beginning and end really is a nice touch -- the bell in the beginning serves as an excellent transition.

The Song:
- This one is really well put together overall. Save (in my opinion -- others might differ, it's sort of iffy) the bongos (... that's what they are, I hope) in the middle that don't quite fit in, this is a truly well put together piece.

- It loops really well. I barely even realized I'd played it thirty times because the beginning and the end are so similar -- it's a sign of a great song for Newgrounds flashes. Nice.

- Like usual, amazing job. I won't give this a ten, because even though it is quite amazing, I don't think it's your best work -- you have too many great pieces for me to just give a ten to everything. :P

It's nice to see you around again -- I look forward to writing more reviews for your work!


Yet another song - time for another review, huh - I must admit, it lacks your normal 'epic' flair, but it still has a touch of what I would call 'relaxation' - the perfect song to lean back to and just listen.

Unlike usual, I feel like getting the problems out of the way so I can relish putting in all the pluses I always have about your songs.

Those bells really did ruin the vibe of the song - you're listening, and then suddenly, these bells sort of crackled their way into the mainstream of the piece. If their volume had been a few notches lower, they would've fit perfect, but too loud for my taste.

On the other hand, most of your other parts fit in quite well. The flute fits in quite perfectly (I'm not sure exactly what type of flute it is, but a flute is a flute in the end, no matter the type... still, a name would be great). The choir does make it seem a bit more dramatic in the end, though it did sound a tinch "mechanical" (I can't think of a good word to describe it - almost, sort of 'set', I suppose?), it added to the flair of the music.

This does hold striking simliarities to your other masterpiece, "Rite of Passage" - this one though, is much... "softer", and less of the usual epic brand.

I know you've always enjoyed the imagery, so I'll throw out what I have. :D

The imagery I got for this, though compelling and interesting, was much too long or stupid (I'm not into writing "He's either freezing to death or dying of starvation" in my imagery-detailings...) to put in.

On a non-related to this song note, I apologize for reviewing this so late, and I always appreciate the responses you throw out - it admittingly is what makes me review.

Yet another good piece - and though it does need some fine tuning in some places, overall, this is still a great composition. A job well done!

MaestroRage responds:

Then I guess it's official! You're I believe the fifth person to say those sleigh bells were too loud... there must be something wrong with my earphones, i'm not getting too loud, in fact a little faint from them...

that or i'm going deaf ._.


The choirs sound fake you say eh? There is a high likely possibility of this, I didn't pay as much attention to the choirs this time as I did other parts. The easy thing to have done with the choirs was slap on enough reverb to make it look like they were singing all alone at the core of the earth, but this time I wanted to try and arrange the volumes myself to make it sound semi realistic. With every failure I come one step closer to success >:)

That flute, is the panflute! My favourite woodwind, every octave in that instrument can portray drastically different things. It's sheer brilliance I tell you.

Poor guys starving to death :'(

And freezing :'(


Many images strike me when you say that, a lot of stories... now i'll have to make one of them a requiem.

This song did indeed not have the epic flair of Rite of Passage, more gentleness in this one. I would upload the better version, but it's not really worth another upload and I don't want to really change half the song to allow myself a resubmit. Maybe... if I bribed... Tom a little >_>.

In any case, i'm glad you were honest enough to tell me what you really thought, means a good deal to me. Thank you for the review, and i'm glad you liked it!

The Best.

I've never enjoyed giving out tens - I think there's no such thing as perfect. However, I give one out here, because I think this is as close as I'll ever find.

First, musically this piece is supurb. It has your normal epic flair, with something that I could almost call 'African' when you begin to bring in the drums. Both work to the great advantage of this piece, and they work to bring in the epic middle.

This entire piece has what you do best. You have it all: the percussion, the strings - and was there a solo trumpet? I was pretty sure, but it could've just been another instrument that gave the "trumpety" flair.

I could imagine dozens of stories by just listening to this song. But the best I could think of had to do with an old man about to die in a hospital in his last moments thinking of his life in the past.

Anyways, this my favorite piece of all you've done - good work!

MaestroRage responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed this piece Nomander. In truth it is one of my personal favorites, and this one was a landscape inspired piece. I get ideas like this a lot when I look upon a great hill, thriving with life and subtle energy.

I have one right outside my window you see, this piece however was more so inspired by the cold winds that had arrived that year. The trees surrounding the mound started to lose their leaves, burying the hill with it's red and orange hued colors.

It was wonderful. The sight made me think of defiance, an inner strength, and helped form the story you hear.

Your story on the other hand, now that I found interesting. Just moments before he died, he saw his life. It fills me with a nostalgic energy, to think of somebody reliving their favorite times, the worst times, and just times overall...

thank you for the review Nomander, once again i'm glad you liked it!

A Change in Pace

Well, I think I'll be listening and reviewing all of your songs soon enough - but for now, this piece.

Normally, when I hear your songs - at least the ones I've heard, are normally the louder type, almost more... epic. This is a nice change in pace from some of your other songs.

The strings in this piece are incredibly put together. Pretty good samples? Or good playing? Either way, you started out amazingly.

I think for once, you got the choir right - it fits right in during this piece, and adds a whole somberness to it that oddly, makes sense.

The melody was wonderful - you seem to have a talent at that. However, some of the sound effects were a bit quirky - I wasn't sure what they were, however.

The piece, I admit, came off to me almost like a somber funeral scene. It was as if I could almost imagine it as the song to a funeral procession, with the family close behind, with some choir humming along. And the string instrument (I wish I knew enough about strings to be able to identify it) sounds like it announces both the beginning of the funeral, and almost something like a symbol to cry for the family members at the end.

As usual, great work!

Oh, and you're right about Tribal Wars... it is addicting.

MaestroRage responds:

I'm glad you saw a funeral scene, though I was not picturing said scene, I was trying to convey having given up. A hopeless, bitter truth. The main story would dictate as such, I hope you take the time to read it, it will shed more light in the direction I was going for, and just how very incredibly right you are on several levels.

Yes, this piece is quite different from what I usually put. There is enough epic monstrosity here! I was also studying a guitar tab I got from WinTang's latest submission (probably not forever), but it was a great help in trying to get a natural sounding guitar.

The sound effects were actually cymbol samples, it's crazy what you can do with giant gongs and cymbols.


I'm glad you liked the guitar, I wanted to give it as much "lonely" and "somber" as I could manage, and that is just not possible if you make them too complex.

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked the piece ^^.

PS: Watch your back with that Tribal Wars eh, i'm still trying to find a way out... :'(


Y'know, I've listened to most of your songs, and like usual, you drop out stellar stuff yet again.

The title perfectly describes the piece - it begins already building up the entire song, but ends up delivering what I believe you intended it to - almost an uncontrollable chaos that you masterfully sound out.

Despite the piece’s impressiveness, there were a few quirks I noticed. First, though I understand why the bass drum is so important to this piece, I think it dominated a bit too much in the very beginning. I also believed the piece stopped somewhat abruptly at the end.

Despite the problems, it was good enough that I decided to check out the game "Tribal Wars" - and, it's rather fun. So, thanks!

Like usual, you delivered stellar material, and I'm pretty sure you know that. You have a way of doing it, and I'm happy to have the opportunity to listen to these sorts of pieces. Good work!

MaestroRage responds:

ah yes, the bass drums, how I rue thee! They were incredibly difficult to equalize, I wanted their AWESOME power, but that power could not be attained without it AWESOMELY screwing up all my equalizing, sadly after spending several hours of it, I noticed my level of equalizing was simply not up to par to the songs demand.

I did the best I could, but it wasn't enough, even today I doubt I would have the knowledge and skill to do it, though i've gotten better over the months.

The piece did end abruptly, I ran out of time, and frankly had to wrap things up fast, a shame I had a few more ideas I wanted to throw in it, simply they were never to exist I guess.

I'm glad you liked the piece, I hope you enjoy Tribal Wars, it's consumed my soul so watch yourself XD.

So long....

It is my sad duty to admit that I never knew you. I've never reviewed any of your other songs, and I've never spoken to you, in person or on this site.

And I've never been sader to see anyone go.

You have created one of the most amazing pieces I have ever listened to on this site. Admittingly to the other great authors, I give a nine because I feel this is the perfect song.

If I can say amazing, this would be it. A mellow piece that simply stuns me in quality. Now, I know why people love your work - because it's stunning.

Goodbye, Dan. I may never have met you, but I feel sad all the same.

Genius. Pure Genius.

This is the sort of thing I want to hear. Amazing. Simply awe-inspiring.

The piece was just filled with one melody after another - as though it never ends. Each has a changing mood, some sullen, others gleeful. Simply incredible.

I would like to note that you might've had some counter-melodies in there - it seemed nearly... repetitive with only melodies. However, repetitive's fine by me if it sounds this good!

Like usual, this is a great job. It sounded anything from Irish to a full fledged Classical orchestra - the changing pace just keeps you on the edge of your seat... smiling. Why? I may never know. But it gave it enough charm for me to rate high.

Great work!

MaestroRage responds:

It does change a good deal huh? Repetitive with melodies? Heh, i'll be honest, i've never gotten that before, and i'm quite intrigued at the idea. A song repetitive of melodies... it sounds like a simple situation, yet the more I think on it, the more complex I make it out.

I suppose it's just me, I tend to overthink things.

Anyways. i'm glad you enjoyed it, this was supposed to have more Celtic flavour in it, but I just don't have the power to pull it off right yet.

Thank you for the review and support ^^.

Change for the Better

I'll admit to you now. I was slightly dissapointed when I first heard the guitar bit. I thought it was rather dull, though I definitly had the image you wrote in your description. (I read descriptions after hearing the song through once, so I can see my thoughts and Author's)

Once you got to the part with the orchestra bit, it became... wonderful. Though it's depressing at first and last, it becomes great in the middle. I can definitly see where you're headed.

Great work, though the guitar bit was a BIT long... though, some things can be let pass for great pieces.

By the way, you might also want to respond to your farewell song reviews - there's quite a few. :P

MaestroRage responds:

heh, yeah I suppose I should respond to those, shouldn't I? I've been too busy with things to dig up old memories. But you're right, it's not fair to those who took the time to review.

I'm also glad you could see the image I was thinking, it was an image I kept close to myself during it's production. This whole song was to be honest, a great big testing field, to see what instruments mix well together. I never thought the oboe and guitar could be played together, it turns out it can, and not too badly I might add.

I also believe this piece was released before it was truly ready, as you stated, tere was repetition in it, but I did not think enough to delay the release.

Thank you for the review and continued support ^^.

Your Best Yet! (Although, it won't be soon...)

You know, I just can't understand why you can say that the whole leaving thing was just a fluke... two accounts to review is... a lot of accounts.

Anyways, off that subject. You failed to suprise me again, as this was, like usual, off the charts amazing.

- A bit too... beaty? It's your style though, can't criticize it well.
- The background sound is quite repetitive.

- Sounds like a warchant, nearly, on a battlefield, until the awesome instruments open up. Simply... stunning job on the effect!
- Most of the sounds are dazzling.
- Suspensful.

I wish I could make music like this, but considering I'm about as good as a giraffe eating seaweed at the bottom of the ocean, it won't happen anytime soon: I'd have no idea what I'm doing.

On the other hand, I'm somewhat annoyed at you for "leaving" and "deciding" to have a new account. Can't you just use the old one? :/

Still love your songs though!

MaestroRage responds:

I did it all for a reason Nomander, and I suppose i've collected enough data to begin slowly forming my story to tell all of Newgrounds. I've been running a series of experiments to see how the crowd of Newgrounds really works, and though most of my predictions and results were "well DUH!" material, some of it was actually quite interesting.

I'm glad you liked the piece. It is still one of my best, but I am already in the midsts of creating something which I think is better! I hope you will agree ;). I figure it will be the war themes to end all war themes :O.

Anyways, thank you for the review, all in good time, you will understand ^^.

Age 33, Male


Washington, DC

Joined on 3/11/05

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