It seems you have too many reviews to respond to them all nowadays, MaestroRage -- but I'll still do my best to review as many as I can anyways! >:D
... anyways, on with the review.
I'm beginning to notice that you seem to have a preference for strings and solo instruments... and it really comes through on this song. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that there were strings and percussion for most the entire song -- if I'm wrong, I'm probably just tired. :P
You haven't been making as many epic songs recently, which in my mind is somewhat of a shame -- you're epic pieces have always been what you've been best at (in my opinion), and though you do make amazing slower pieces as well, they just don't stand out as well as these sort of epic pieces do... it's this sort of song that I can truly enjoy just because I'll remember it for so long after I hear it.
It may be that I'm listening to a little bit too much classical music nowadays, but I feel like the strings sound a tiny bit synthesized -- not a problem though, because they still sound really amazing. :P
I docked two points for the repetition of the violins (... I hope I'm right on that instrument) in the beginning, but once the song picks up at around 1:05 (something like that), so does the quality of the song, and I enjoyed it immensely more after that transition.
Sticking only to the violins (again, I hope these are violins -- if they aren't, I'm sure you'll correct me) at around 1:30 really worked well. By taking out the other parts, we realize the true beauty of the piece you've put together, and by that point, I'm sold. :D
Like usual, I loved the work -- but respond to the reviews! >:D
(Seriously, if you can't, it's just fine -- I care about the music more than your dastardly non-existent sarcasm and wit. :P)