An interesting lecture -- an un-interesting flash.
Well, I must say, you brought up some interesting philosophical points, but the flash itself was rather bland and ugly... because it felt more like a PowerPoint.
This is a flash website -- I know that you asked us not to vote based off of that, so I didn't. I voted (not reviewed) based off the message.
The problem with the message, because all of our beliefs are based off other people's.
Even loners believe because they go against what the norm is. I don't see how that makes people arrogant to the world around us -- people can never know what they believe is true, but they have to believe something -- they think over all the possibilities, and the best of us try to make an educated decision.
If you really want reasons why I would believe in God (one of the things brought up in the lecture -- I'm using this as an example):
Pascal's Wager: If God does exist, and I believe in him, I get eternal life and happiness. If God exists and I don't, I get eternal damnation. If he doesn't exist, and I either do or don't worship God, it doesn't really matter either way. Therefore, there is more to lose in believing in God than not doing so.
The main problem with your point, is that you believe people are arrogant -- for the most part, this is true, but you interpret the meaning of arrogant incorrectly. Arrogance is not seeing any of the options, and sticking with one that is wholly incorrect. But with all the options out there, one option is bound to be somewhat correct, therefore rendering the idea of arrogance for all nullified -- though, I suppose we could all be wrong. :D
Overall though, as a flash, this was terrible. It's easier to make PowerPoints that look better (no offense meant -- I know the point was the message), and the music, though pleasant, was meant to add to blank backgrounds which don't really work.
Very philosophical though. :P